puddingebola writes: National Trading Standards and trading standards services in Scotland have released figures that 15000 of 17000 .... The UK Trading Standards Agency, a part of the UK government, has seized over 15000 dangerous hoverboards since October, many of which .... U.K. Seizes 15,000 Unsafe 'Hoverboards'. About 88 percent of the devices examined at the border were deemed unsafe by U.K. authorities. CHIHARU SHIOTA 

puddingebola writes: National Trading Standards and trading standards services in Scotland have released figures that 15000 of 17000 .... The UK Trading Standards Agency, a part of the UK government, has seized over 15000 dangerous hoverboards since October, many of which .... U.K. Seizes 15,000 Unsafe 'Hoverboards'. About 88 percent of the devices examined at the border were deemed unsafe by U.K. authorities. 3d2ef5c2b0 CHIHARU SHIOTA 

15000 Unsafe Hoverboards Seized

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More than 15,000 unsafe 'hoverboards' at risk of catching fire or exploding have been seized by Trading Standards officials. The self-balancing rollerboards, which do not hover, were nabbed by safety conscious officers at UK ports and airports after attempts to ship them into the ... Score Hero Hack (8)


15000 Unsafe Hoverboards Seized